Meet Luke Harris
Luke is Redeemer's 2025 pastoral resident, and will be serving on the team while he discerns a call to ministry.

Can you tell us a little about yourself and where you’re from?
My name is Luke Harris, and I’m 22 years old. I’m originally from Newnan, GA. At the moment, I am a student, and I also serve in the Georgia Army National Guard.
What brought you to this stage in your life and ministry?
I have always felt a deep calling to ministry, a desire that I believe began when I gave my life to Christ at the age of 9. My grandfather, who was a pastor throughout his life, was a significant influence on me. I admired him greatly and spent a lot of time with him as he ministered to others. Witnessing the impact he had on people was incredibly inspiring, and it left a lasting impression on me, shaping my aspiration to pursue a similar path in the future.
How did you come to know the Lord, and how has He shaped your faith journey?
As I mentioned, I gave my life to Christ when I was 9. Like many young believers, it took time and growth to truly understand the depth of the gospel and its influence on every part of my life. Throughout the different seasons of my journey, the Lord has continually revealed more of who He is and the abundant richness of His grace. More often than not, God has used fellow believers—whether friends or family—to help shape and nurture me, guiding me to become a stronger and more devoted follower of Christ.
What’s one way you’ve seen God working in your life recently?
Recently, I have been becoming increasingly aware of God’s sovereignty in my life, especially in moments when everything feels beyond my control. It’s both humbling and awe-inspiring to witness how His power works in ways I often can’t fully understand. One area where I have clearly seen His hand is in this internship. What began as a prayer—a desire I brought before God—has unfolded in a way I never expected. Initially, I had a specific vision for how things would turn out, but it has turned out to be completely different from what I had imagined. However, this experience has revealed something even more profound: no matter how much my plans change, God is still in control of every detail of my life.
I’ve come to realize that even in times of uncertainty or when things don’t go the way I envisioned, I can rest in the assurance that His will is unfolding exactly as it should. I don’t need to understand every twist and turn because I trust that His plan is always good, and I am learning to lean into His guidance, even in the midst of doubt and confusion. This season is teaching me to surrender my own expectations and trust in His perfect timing and purpose.
What excites you most about Redeemer and this internship?
What excites me most about this internship is the intentionality that will guide the entire experience. Whether it’s gaining practical experience in ministry, reading insightful books, engaging in deep conversations, or observing the dynamics of a staff meeting, each opportunity offers valuable learning. I’m particularly excited to witness firsthand what ministry looks like within the Church, as this will be a new and enriching experience. I am eager to embrace all the knowledge and growth that will be poured into me. Additionally, I view this internship as a chance to discern whether this is truly the path I am called to pursue, using this time as a form of confirmation for my future.
What areas of ministry are you most passionate about and looking to grow in?
I’m not entirely sure which areas of ministry I’m most drawn to at this point. I’m eager to grow in all aspects, as I haven’t had much exposure to church ministry yet. All of these opportunities sound exciting, and I’m looking forward to exploring them further.
What’s a fun fact about yourself that most people wouldn’t guess?
I love treats, whether it’s a scoop of ice cream or a slice of cake. One of my favorite pastimes is exploring new coffee shops that offer these delightful snacks. I love spending time in these spots, whether I’m immersed in a good book or catching up on work. On top of that, I love the moments when I feel like going for a run. It’s a perfect way to clear my mind and recharge my energy.
If you had a free Saturday to do anything, what would it be?
If I had a free Saturday, I would begin the day with a relaxing walk alongside a good friend, enjoying meaningful conversations. After that, I’d love to play some pickleball, followed by watching a college football game. To wrap up the day, I’d unwind by watching an action movie.
How can we as a church family pray for and support you during your time here?
Please pray for clarity during my time here in Huntsville, especially regarding what direction to pursue after this internship in ministry. There is much uncertainty about what the next few years will look like, so I ask for guidance and wisdom to navigate this season of my life. Pray also for a renewed passion for the Church and a heart that deepens in love for God’s people.
What are you most looking forward to as you get to know everyone here?
I am excited about the opportunity to cultivate deep relationships here at Redeemer. My hope is to both pour into others and be poured into within the Huntsville community. I look forward to sharing life together with this church and leaning into the lives of those here. Thank you for this opportunity, and I am eager to get to know everyone better.