Serve the Nations
We send our best to make disciples and plant churches
Participate in global disciple-making
No missionary movement occurs apart from prayer.
Missions to hard places are resource intensive. Redeemer funds missionaries generously.
Redeemer trains and sends its best to support our global workers.
Short Term Trips
Global Workers
Currently, 12% of Redeemer’s annual budget supports the global work of our global workers, local partners, and participation in our associations. The gospel advances in Huntsville and beyond because of the faithful giving of our church members and partners.

Europe: Sweden
Emanuel & Shannon Bosson

Middle East & North Africa: Undisclosed
F & L
F trains pastors, church planters, and lay leaders to multiply faithful churches in the Middle East, South Asia, East Asia, and Africa. From F: It's my "great joy to help train and equip pastors and church members."
Redeemer freely associates with other like-minded churches to multiply its ministry impact and testify to the universality of Christ’s church. We also fund missions and church planting through our associations.

Association of Churches for Missions and Evangelism